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In the European summer of 2023 & 2024, I went on two very long bike rides through Europe. Yes, I went on my own and it was the best thing!

The #Dutchieonabikeride trip in 2023 was my first ever long-distance bike-packing tour. Thanks to some epic friends, I got a few tips before I headed off. There were definitely some mistakes made at the start of the trip, but I also quickly learned a lot of things by just doing it. After riding 7200km through Europe in 2023, I didn't think I would be able to have three months off again in the near future to do it again. But life takes funny turns sometimes and in the summer of 2024, I went on another long ride through Europe and covered 7700km. 


Why did I go on my own for so long?

When cycling from A to B, you take in your surroundings way more than when you are driving or sitting on a train. You get to experience the highs and lows of the places you go through, get to chat to the locals and you are forced to take it slow when the roads go up.


Why camping?

I try to camp as much as possible because it is cheap! You get to be out in nature from the moment you wake up till the moment you fall asleep. Some will even camp on the side of the roads, in bushes or in the forest. But I like a little luxury and a shower at the end of a day of cycling, hence why I always choose to stay at campsites.


Why on your own?

Riding on your own is great for many reasons. People start conversations way quicker when someone is sitting alone or riding alone than when it is a couple or a group of friends. I made many new friends on my trips and at campsites there are plenty of people that want to know where you are from, where you are going and if you need anything. I've been offered free dinners, coffee, boiled eggs for breakfast and much more. 


So yeah, I'd recommend going on your own. Make new friends for a day, a week or for the rest of your life. Cherish the days you don't have to speak to anyone. Those special moments where you can sing from the top of your lungs because no one is around. But mostly enjoy your own company.

Dirty bike with a flat tyre
Sitting in bus stop, sheltering from rain
Riding on a forest trail
Eating in the tent

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